Primary infertility was defined as a condition in which conception had never occurred, whereas the term, secondary infertility was used to define those cases where there was an inability to conceive after a previous successful conception

Primary infertility was defined as a condition in which conception had never occurred, whereas the term, secondary infertility was used to define those cases where there was an inability to conceive after a previous successful conception. the need of the screening of infertile women for C. trachomatis with laboratory investigations, which could provide a rapid and specific diagnosis so that early therapeutic interventions could be instituted. infection is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection worldwide, especially among young adults [5]. The chlamydial infection produces less Mupirocin severe symptoms than other sexually transmitted diseases [6]. These deceptively mild symptoms allow the infection to go unnoticed, with minimal patient awareness, until the secondary or the tertiary symptoms develop. Serious sequelae like acute salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease often occur in association Mupirocin with repeated or persistent infections [7]. The precise mechanism through which the repeated infection elicits an inflammatory response that leads to tubal scarring and damage in the female upper genital tract, is not yet clear [8]. may cause intraluminal adhesions, fibrosis, hydrosalpinx and pelvic adhesions. Due to the serious consequences of these conditions, the infection can lead not only to significant morbidity, but it can also affect a womans fertility [9]. Due to this asymptomatic nature of results in the formation of antibodies which are detectable in the serum in infected patients. After the study which was done by Punnonen et al., [10], several studies have demonstrated that tubal factor infertility was significantly associated with the serum antibodies to than either infertile women with normal tubes or pregnant women [12]. In contrast to laparoscopy or Hysterosalpingography (HSG), which are the accepted methods of diagnosis [7] of the tubal damage, the serological detection of the chlamydial genital infections is a non-invasive, simpler and a faster test to perform. The infertility which was caused by represented a preventable type of infertility, if it was detected early. Hence, the present study was aimed at evaluating the chlamydial infection in women who suffered from infertility, who attended a tertiary care hospital in north India and at investigating the possible role of the chlamydia serology as a screening test for the tubal infertility. Materials and Methods The study population consisted of 50 consecutive women of the reproductive ages, who had primary infertility, who attended the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Outpatients Department of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer,Rajasthan, India. for the evaluation of their fertility problem. Fifty healthy women of a similar age group who attended the antenatal clinic during the study period, constituted the control group. A general medical history was taken and information was obtained from the subjects on the age, marital status, history of the treatment for vaginal discharge,history of intra-abdominal infections, and of previously diagnosed STDs. Infertile women who had a normal Mantoux test, a normal X-ray of the chest and no specific findings in the endometrial biopsy and husbands who had a normal semenogram were enrolled in the study. The patients with a history of antibiotic treatment in the previous 2 months were excluded from the study. Infertility was defined as inability to conceive for more Rabbit Polyclonal to ZNF691 than a year despite having regular, unprotected intercourse. Primary infertility was defined as a condition in which conception had never occurred, whereas the term, secondary infertility was used to define those cases where there was an inability to conceive after a previous successful conception. Hysterosalpingography was done in all the cases. Tubal infertility was said to be present if the hydrosalpinx was seen on HSG. 5 ml of venous blood was drawn from both the females with primary infertility and the control group for the laboratory measurement of the serum IgM specific antibodies against by ELISA (Novum Diagnostics, Assar C Gabrielsson C Str. 1A, Germany). The kits manual was strictly followed while the tests were conducted. The initial screening of all the sera was done for Syphilis by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test (VDRLImmutrep, Rapid Plasma Mupirocin Reagin Card Test) and for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) antibody by the Dot Immunoassay (Combaids-RS). The whole study group was found to be non-reactive for Syphilis and HIV, thereby.



